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SNES Mini / Junior 7374 RGB Amp Mod Kit


Includes 220nf ghosting fix cap.

Use this to replace C11 or simply solder on top


Compatible with the following SNES Models:


- SNES Mini

- Super Famicom Junior


Option to add high quality shielded scart


I test these before shipping, I cannot therefore offer a refund for damage caused by install mistakes.


Snes mini or Super Famicom Junior installation instructions:


Isolate underside of mod board with electrical tape

Solder on mod board to underisde of av out connector.

Solder the sync and R,G,B wires, as can be seen in photo no.2

Replace C11 with 220nF capacitor

Replace R3 with 2k2 Resistor


(R3 Brightness note: On the sfc jr and I think the snes mini model the picture may look a bit bright, the rgb signals from the cpu/ppu chip are overdriven, replace R3 (1K6) with a higher value, 1k69 - 2k2  this should darken the image slightly)


Detailed installation notes can be found here


The THS7374 is the latest SDTV Amplifier IC from Texas Instruments.


Low pass filter option (disabled by default)


PCB populated in house.

All credit for the design go to Borti4938.


Contact for installation help.


RGB - SNES Mini / SFC Jr THS7374 Bypass Amp

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