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Official Tim Worthington NESRGB Version 4


RGB Upgrade kit for the following models:


  • Frontloader
  • Famicom av
  • Toploader / NES 101
  • Famicom twin
  • Original Famicom (extra power pcb replacement)


Version 4 with new features:


  • Controller reset and pallette toggle function
  • Functional de-jitter option
  • Diagnostic LEDS


Controller button combo:


  • Start+Select+Left - Decrement palette counter.
  • Start+Select+Right - Increment palette counter.
  • Start+Select+Left (hold for 2 seconds) - Disable/enable NESRGB board.
  • Start+Select+Right (hold for 2 seconds) - Set to palette 1.
  • Start+Select+A+B - In game reset.


Official UK/European distributor for Tim Worthington rgb kits




NESRGB board V4.0


  • IC socket, connectors, pin and socket strip.
  • Suitable adapter board if required by your console choice.


Compatible Scart kit: with serparate audio is available here


Also available:


- Multi out port

- Replacement rf/power modules

- Cartridge connector fix


Installation Instructions are here


Install tips:


I good way to remove the ppu is to mix in low melt solder to the joints and pulling away the chip with a pair of chip tweezers, this way you're less likely to overheat and damage the pads and traces.


(Install notes for twin turbo AN-505)

(J6 open, RO goes to opposite pin than earlier model)


* This can be a challenging upgrade.

oldskoolconsoles cannot be held responsible for damaged boards due to poor installation!

send in services and pre-upgraded options are available ! *


    NESRGB Tim Worthington - (All models)

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